Wayfarer Pathway
What is it?
At the heart of our work is a carefully designed transformational pathway combining all the services we offer to take you on an immersive journey of becoming. Wayfarer questions assumptions and lays foundations for new ways of walking in the world. It’s a call to lead yourself and others into a new future.
What would I be doing?
We work alongside you to design a practice that sustains a way to live and work that does not fragment the diversity of your ‘world’ but creates potential for personal, community and organisational growth.
On the way there are worldview discussions, what good looks like, can love and business work together, meaning and belonging, and finding generative patterns that renew us. There is inspiration, disorientation, healing, aha moments, laughter, tears and everything else that makes our journey uniquely human. Wayfarer is less a course for a qualification and more a pathway for transformation.